The battle is getting hotter and dustier! – De strijd wordt feller en stoffiger!
Aanpassingen. The second leg of Rallye Breslau 2022 again included three special stages, fast and dusty like those of the first day. Located in the same areas from Leg 1, two of the timed sections were driven in the opposite direction and there were some changes in the navigation points, to be more interesting.
Boven: Derde plaats ATV klasse op deze tweede dag, Adomas Gancierius uit Letland.
Wisselen. Once again, the competitors were divided in two separate groups – one with bikes, quads and trucks from all classes, and one for the SSVs and cars EX and CC. This time, the “light cavalry” and the behemoths started with the longest, almost 90 km section, and after drove the two shorter. The cars and buggies faced first 23 km. special stage, after one with length of 15 kilometers and in the end enjoyed the harder 90 km. racetrack near Zagan.
Boven: Urvo Mannama.
De snelste rakkers. Starting with the cars, it was Urvo Mannama (#218, Century) who was the fastest not only in his class, but in the mixed ranking with the SSVs. The Estonian managed to take almost 3 minutes to the fastest small buggy – the Arcane T3 of Hans Weijs from Nederland (#104). Third for the day was another pilot of a smaller machine, Kris Maennama from Estonia (#167, Can Am).
Boven: Tweede plek in de Extreme klasse voor auto’s, Benoit Bonnefoy.
Onder: Ronald Schoolderman, tweede deze dag in de Cross-Country klasse voor auto’s.
Vervolg snelste rakkers. In the car cross country class, second for the day was Ronald Schoolderman (#219, Mitsubishi, NLD) with more than 12 minutes passive versus Mannama. Third in the class for the leg finished Dave Claasen (#208, Nissan), also from Nederland. Third in the SSV class was Jonad Raudeliunas from Lithuania (#165, Can Am).
‘SamenSpel’… Due to the military activities near Zagan, the Extreme Cars class drove the same stages like the cross-country vehicles, without heavy winch sections. But the prepared for trophy vehicles show that they are not only mud capable, but also fast in the sands and on the tracks of Rallye Breslau. Here, the fastest driver was also from Estonia – Hardo Mere (#301) with his mighty H7 Proto. Mere took 7 minutes ahead of Benoit Bonnefoy (#328, Mercedes) from France, as well as 11 minutes to the Dutch driver Willem Jan (#303, Jeep Buggy).
Motoren. Moving to the bikes, Nerimantas Jucius (#28, Husvarna) from Lithuania claimed the daily win, despite he was penalized with 5 minutes for missed waypoint. Thus, he overpassed Marian Augustyn from Poland (#82, KTM), with slightly more than a minute. Third for the day was Eduard Hillebrand from Nederland (#75, KTM)
De beste piloten in de ATV klasse. On second place in the mixed ranking with the bikes was the best ATV rider – Adam Krysiak (#71, Poland) with Polaris. He won the daily title on four wheels, in front of his compatriot Rafal Jawien (#69, Polaris), and the 3rd place was for the well-known pilot from Latvia Adomas Gancierius (#11, CFMOTO).
Nederlandse ‘combi’ dagoverwinningen. In the truck cross-country class Johan Elfrink (#419) with Mercedes claimed the leg victory. The Dutch driver finished with advance of 10 minutes versus Tomo Heuer from Germany with Tatra (#403). Third for the day was William Van Groningen (#401, NLD). Moving to the extreme trucks, fastest for the day was Floor Dekkers (#464, NLD) with Unimog, who is driving in the “small truck” subclass. Dekkers made a huge advance of almost 26 minutes to the second for the day and best in the “big truck” EX class Heiko Seidel (#465, DEU) with Mercedes Actros.
Toekomst verwachting. Leg 3 of Rally Breslau 2022 will move the convoy of the race in the second camp near Drawsko Pomorskie. There are two timed sections in the menu, one with 83 and one with 82 competitive kilometers. Like the previous days, the vehicles will be separated in two groups – bikes, quads and trucks and cars + SSVs. Each group will start different stage, with the first driving initially the 83 km section, and the second trying the 82 km track. Due to the start, scheduled for 15.00 o’clock in the afternoon we will see the first evening stage, with competitors finishing in the night.
Boven: Hardo Mere uit Estland, dagwinnaar in de Extreme klasse.
Tekst & fotografie: Andrius Laucius & Rallye Breslau, met enkele Nederlandse toevoegingen van Martin Brink.